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Sissy Sissy

Sissy helps clear uterine heat and remove blood stagnation. It helps clear uterine inflammation and infections, and improve its blood circulation. It also helps accelerate the shedding of the uterine lining during menses and facilitates new tissue growth.

Our Price: $83.00

A recent report concluded that DHEA “will improve the quality of life over a longer period and will postpone some of the unpleasant effects of aging, such as fatigue and muscle weakness.” The report also found that those who took DHEA supplements slept better, had more energy, and were better equipped to handle stress compared to non-DHEA users.

Our Price: $18.91
Estro Flavone (60 Caps) Estro Flavone (60 Caps)

Premier Research Labs Estro Flavone effectively modulates overall estrogenic activity to help provide significant relief from symptoms of pre-menopause and menopause such as hot flushes, occasional mood swings and sleep imbalances

Our Price: $25.91
Fem Balance-FX (60 Caps) Fem Balance-FX (60 Caps)

A truly synergistic 15-herb formula supporting optimal hormone balance for both menstruating or menopausal women. Supports healthy hormone balance, mood, cardiovascular, bone and liver health

Our Price: $24.91
XenoStat (90 Caps) XenoStat (90 Caps)

Superior Thyroid and Hormone Support
Achieve Healthy Hormonal Function
Nourish the Reproductive Organs
Detoxify Pesticides and Synthetic Hormones

Our Price: $23.91
Calcium Magnesium Plus Powder (Previously Coral Legend) Calcium Magnesium Plus Powder (Previously Coral Legend)

The ideal mineral delivery system: Coral Legend! Since up to 92% of the calcium in Premier Coral Calcium is already ionized, the body can use the calcium immediately without having to break it down or process it further. Harvested from broken and once living coral beds, in pristine cold pacific waters, to help you alkalize your blood and build bones.

Our Price: $23.99
Premier Calcium Magnesium Plus (Previously Coral Legend Plus) Premier Calcium Magnesium Plus (Previously Coral Legend Plus)

Previously called Coral Legend Plus, now called Premier Calcium Magnesium Plus
Premier Coral Calcium Complex is already ionized, the body can use the calcium immediately without having to break it down. (Great news for the elderly and those with poor digestion.) A key role of ionized calcium is to neutralize acidic compounds anywhere in the body, before damage takes place. Ionized calcium is critical in order to help promote cleansing

Our Price: $29.90